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Nic Henry Jones is the Director & Senior Digital Media Strategist behind Market Me Marketing Australia. A highly driven business creative, she is cutting edge in approach, passionate about building business ‘the smart way’, and is a leader in the digital marketing Industry. She shares her digital marketing & creative Business experience with others in a way that is eye opening, creative and empowering.

She has a fresh and vibrant approach and writes, promotes, runs & presents her own Workshops and E-Courses along with creating Resources that are smart, innovative & helpful. Her sessions are extremely informative, empowering, practical, full of tips and tricks, and are eye opening. Based in Adelaide, she is an Entrepreneur at heart, has a passion for Training and Speaking at events, and runs & is involved in a number of profitable businesses.

She presents to groups of varying sizes in varying Industries including Local Councils and Industry Groups. She can be contracted as a Guest Speaker or can work alongside you to offer a creative Workshop customised for your Group or Organisation. She holds her Certificate IV in Training & Assessment.


In-house Training

Our in-house training can be facilitated in a number of ways, and are totally customised for your needs and Industry. The training is customised so the examples we use, the questions we ask, the hints and tips, and extra strategies will directly move your teams and your business forward. We can either roll out one of our current training programs, or we can completely write a new one specifically for your Brand and over-arching Industry.  The great thing is that it’s not just a training day, it’s so much more.

The Training Collective

Market Me Marketing Director Nic Henry Jones is the SA Training Facilitator for The Training Collective, a National Training Company.  To view upcoming workshops, view the links below.

Currently no workshops scheduled. 


Digital Marketing   |   Marketing Strategies & Creative Planning   |   Facebook   |   Email Marketing   |   Ideas Generation & Planning (incl Brainstorming)   |   Motivational Speaking   |   Business + Life   |   Mumpreneur Topics   | Time Management   |   Creative Strategy   |   Entrepreneurism   |   Business Startups  |  Cultural Change  | Leadership 


'I recently went to a training workshop presented by Nic. I found her content to be most valuable. She somehow made the idea of doing some of my own social media posting as something that I could actually do for myself. Previously, I found it daunting to even consider doing this myself, so was delighted at the simplicity of it as taught by Nic. I have since done a couple of posts myself and love the idea of being able to @ other businesses with whom I am associated so that I can promote them as well, or even instead of.
I love the idea of collaboration and was glad to hear Nic speak of this as well. All in all, it was a great few hours and I learned heaps and grew in confidence in the social media space. Thanks Nic, it was a great time and I really appreciated your generosity of information and assistance.  Cheers'.

Christine Sharkey, QuoteConvert

I thoroughly enjoyed your workshop and got a lot out of it.  I look forward to catching up with you in the near future to have a look at our Marketing Plan/Proposal.  
I walked away from your Social Media for Business Workshop, and barely slept all weekend!  I went and re-branded and decided to change direction, and its been so good.  I’ve been so pumped ever since.
Thanks for a great presentation today at Victor Harbor – got a lot out of it; you have lots of knowledge and have a great, enthusiastic presentation style!
Hello Nic, My wife and i would like to thank you and Di for a great session today at the Adelaide Hills Business Centre today.  Very informative and we took a lot away from today.
Hey Nic, Great session last night. Definitely learnt a lot I can implement with my business.
Thank you so much for your fantastic info on ‘Facebook’ marketing!  I am certainly going to use my Facebook page so much more now and hopefully get as many ‘likes’ as you!! Well done!
The Business outside the Box event was fantastic. I learnt so much from the workshop. It was practical, informative and easy to understand, and I walked away inspired to try new things to help get my business outside the box. Presenters were great and it was also really good to network with other like minded business people. Overall a fantastic event.
‘Hi there Nic,  Just a quick note to say thanks again for a great session today. Your energy, professionalism, knowledge and skills have reminded me of why I’m in this game, and re-inspired me to follow a business path I have been dreaming of for quite some time now.’
Hey Nic, Great session last night. Definitely learnt a lot I can implement with my business.
Thank you so much for coming to Coach and Connect Adelaide today. So much learned and delightful to meet you! ?

Get in Touch

Have questions?  Want to run a project by us? Feel free to send us a message and we will be in touch shortly.  Alternatively, if you’d like to book in a complimentary 30 minute consult, click here.


PO Box 514, STIRLING, SA, 5152

+61 0478 411 841

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