2024 Ausmumpreneur Awards Nomination

AWARD NOMINATIONS 2024 Ausmumpreneur awards Congratulations on your nomination for the 2024 AusMumpreneur Awards – Australia’s leading awards for mums in business.  Nomination by Shron James, June 2024 “I am nominating Nic Henry Jones for the 2024...

How to Sell without Selling

TIPS SELLING WITHOUT SELLING I’ve never been comfortable as a sales person, and I’m sure anyone I ever tried to sell to knew it too! So, if it’s not in your DNA, don’t stress, there is a better way (and if you do SELL, you may need to reconsider how). If you run a...

Top 10 Productivity Hacks for Business Owners

TIPS PRODUCTIVITY HACKS Being a Business Owner and an entrepreneur often means juggling numerous tasks and responsibilities. Here are ten productivity hacks to help you manage their time and resources more efficiently: Prioritize with the Eisenhower Matrix: Hack:...

New Years Resolutions vs Intention + Positioning

MINDSET Winning with Intention + Positioning New year, new goals, and most likely new years resolutions!  We all have a list of resolutions we have made in previous years but never completed or given up on. I’ve never been a fan of new years resolutions. It creates a...